
Now Accepting New Clients.

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Call 289-275-8587.

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Welcome Ladies!

Are you Stuck? Are You Struggling?

I’m so glad you’ve stopped by.

Hi, I’m Janice, a licensed psychotherapist and therapy-informed personal coach, passionate about helping people understand themselves on a deeper level to live more authentic and fulfilling lives. When you truly know yourself—your emotions, values, and triggers—you gain the power to make decisions that align with who you are and break free from patterns that hold you back.

I Can Help!

I’m here when you’re ready!


P.S. Yes, there really IS a pink couch!

Areas of Specialty

  • Young woman in bathtub in a bathrobe eating a bowl of noodles and looking upset.

    Weight Management Psychotherapy

    When weight, body and food issues take over your thoughts and emotions and rule your daily life, then it’s time to figure out what you’re really hungry for.

    Drawing on my background as a registered dietitian, weight management coach, eating psychology and positive psychology practitioner, we’ll work together to reach your goals and get your life back!

  • Who Are You Anyways?

    It might sound a little woo-woo but knowing who you are and what you value are the foundations of fulfillment in life.

    Anxiety, depression, burnout, anger, disappointment, fear, self-recrimination (and more…) can be serious roadblocks to a life worth living.

    The antidiote is learning to develop self-compassion and how to use self-kindness to clear the path.

  • Older woman  with short hair in a black t-shirt  outside with her head in her hands and is upset.

    Situations, Transitions and Ch-ch-ch-changes.

    Life is hard. Making decisions is hard. Dealing with change is hard. Family is hard. Relationships are hard. Moving into a new chapter is hard. Work is hard. Battling burnout is hard. And I could go on…

    Reaching out for support shouldn’t be hard. You don’t have to go it alone. Let’s talk!

It’s the Little Steps…

In my practice, I provide a supportive, non-judgmental space where you can explore your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. We’ll work together to uncover the patterns that no longer serve you and help you gain clarity on what truly matters. My goal is to guide you toward living a life that reflects your true self.

Whether you want to work on weight issues, eating difficulties, developing self-compassion, creating relationship boundaries, deciding on a career change or learning how to be self-assertive, there is a pathway waiting to be created just for you.

“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.”

—Abraham Maslow